Friday, May 27, 2011

Thanks to those who posted some of their movies. Please continue to bring that up to date!
In the end I need to see:
-The Chase
-Silent Film
-Music Video
-Horror Movie
-Make-up Design
-Short Film-Your Choice

The Banners need to be painted. Please work as a group to complete these :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Horror Film

Horror films are unsettling movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, disgust and horror from viewers. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus frequently overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres. Horrors also frequently overlap with the thriller genre.

Horror Movie Unit
VAMT 11/12

Discussion: What may have scared you in a story or movie?  What makes a thrilling storyline?
What has changed in today’s new horror flicks that may be different than traditional horror movies?
What may encourage a fearful audience in the Blair Witch movie?
What about any of the Saw movies?

Make a list of your group responses to their own fears and phobias.
Do we share common fears?  Is the fear a cultural or global fear?

What if the movie Jaws had a different sound…would we still feel scared?
(Find a sound that is not scary to pair with the movie jaws)

Consider audio in your film: use and create original sound with found objects.
How will you create suspense?
For this film use AUDIO and LIGHTING to create fear, suspence.
Stay away from cheap blood and guts and focus more on the story!!
-Kailey is holding auditions and opening the auditions to the school. Auditions are on THURSDAY at lunch in my room. This is a four part horror series

titled: 'One by One'

Famous horror movies through the ages:


The first depictions of supernatural events appear in several of the silent shorts created by film pioneers such as Georges Méliès in the late 1890s, the most notable being his 1896 Le Manoir du diable (aka "The House of the Devil") which is sometimes credited as being the first horror film.


Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's Monster
It was in the early 1930s that American film producers, particularly Universal Pictures Co. Inc., popularized the horror film,[9] bringing to the screen a series of successful Gothic features including Dracula (1931) and Frankenstein (1931), some of which blended science fiction films with Gothic horror, such as James Whale's The Invisible Man (1933). Tod Browning, director of Dracula, also made the extremely controversial Freaks based on Spurs by Ted Robbins.


With advances in technology that occurred in the 1950s, the tone of horror films shifted from the gothic toward concerns that some saw as being more relevant to the late-Century audience. The horror film was seen to fall into two sub-genres: the horror-of-armageddon film and the horror-of-the-demonic film.


The end of the Production Code of America in 1964, the financial successes of the low-budget gore films of the ensuing years, and the critical and popular success of Rosemary's Baby (1968), led to the release of more films with occult themes in the 1970s, such as The Exorcist (1973), and scores of other horror films in which the Devil represented the supernatural evil, often by impregnating women or possessing children. The genre also included gory horror movies with sexual overtones, made as "A-movies" (as opposed to "B movies").[13] Some of these films were made by respected auteurs.


In the first half of the 1990s, the genre continued many of the themes from the 1980s. Sequels from the Child's Play and Leprechaun series enjoyed some commercial success. The slasher films A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Halloween all saw sequels in the 1990s, most of which met with varied amounts of success at the box office, but all were panned by fans and critics, with the exception of Wes Craven's New Nightmare.


The release of the Saw film series has emerged the torture porn genre and currently holds the Guinness World Record of the highest grossing horror franchise in history.
The start of the 2000s saw a quiet period for the genre.[18] The re-release of a restored version of The Exorcist in September 2000 was successful despite the film having been available on home video for years. Franchise films such as Freddy vs. Jason also made a stand in theaters. Final Destination (2000) marked a successful revival of teen-centered horror and spawned four sequels. The Jeepers Creepers series was also successful. Films like Wrong Turn, Cabin Fever, House of 1000 Corpses, and the previous mentions helped bring the genre back to Restricted ratings in theaters.


Remakes of earlier horror movies became routine in the 2000s. In addition to 2004's remake of Dawn of the Dead, as well as 2003's remake of both Herschell Gordon Lewis' cult classic 2001 Maniacs and the remake of Tobe Hooper's classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, there was also the 2007 Rob Zombie written and directed remake of John Carpenter's Halloween

Monday, May 16, 2011

Send me your blog address:
Austrian Oak

you need:
-audition tape
-music video
-silent film
-the chase
-reaction film
-banana film

PLEASE update your blogs. They will be marked out of 100 at the end of term. Every video should be posted.
VIDEO: using a cell phone

 The three major challenges: framing shots, transferring footage from the phone to your editing program, and converting file formats. Here's how this "hero" confronted each challenge:
  • On a cell phone, framing shots becomes a major headache, especially when you're shooting alone. You can't screw a cell phone onto a tripod, so you may have to compromise by using office supplies—a metal bookend and two rubber bands to hold the phone upright on the bookend. It will let you play scenes in front of the lens without having to hold the phone at arm's length. The bookend technique also yields a steady shot, which is next to impossible when you hold the camera in your hand. No matter how steady your grip, the typical cell-phone lens tends to exaggerate every vibration.  Many shots required multiple retakes to get anything remotely usable. 

  • Many cell phones shoot video, but since you can't really predict which file formats and resolutions you'll get, you just have to test your phone to find out. If you ask a cell-phone salesperson what video-file format a certain phone creates, you'll generally get a blank stare. Some phones use the MJPG format; hence you need to install the codec on the PC you'll use for editing—you can generally get it from your phone's manufacturer. Others use special "phone-flavor" formats such as .3gp or .3g2, which you need to test with your editing program to make sure they'll be read.
  • If push comes to shove, you can try using one of the many video conversion utilities that you can download from the Web. I've tried a number of them and have yet to find a perfect converter for all situations. The best solution is not to need one, but rather to have an editing program that reads your phone's video files. Fortunately, the Nokia N95 saved its files in the MP4 format, which is widely supported, so it was really no challenge.

  • While many video-capable phones have ample internal memory, not all offer a graceful way to move files to a computer. Some have an externally accessible SD card. The Nokia N95 has 8GB of internal memory and registers itself as an external drive when you connect it to a computer via USB.  Then you will just have to connect the phone to my computer with a USB cable, then drag and drop the files. Any phone that can shoot video has a way to get the video off the phone, though if it's by means of a removable memory card, you'll need a memory card reader (which I have)

You will create audition tape with cell phones and we will begin planning for the horror movie. As students finish drawings (Production Groups) will go together to paint their banners (6 at a time-or less)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Create an audition tape on one reel. Each member of the Production team will rehearse and film an audition for a film school or major production. You can create a monologue or read from a script (ask Mrs.Pye) The audition should include:
-your name
-your interest in the program or up and coming film (make it up serious)
-the 'acting' or 'audition' (you reading/memorizing a script)

Your  Mark is out of 30
10-       Presence:
10-       Creativity:
10-       Voice/movement

Some tips.
The first word in "demo reel" is DEMO. A demo is a SHORTENED version of something. Key word: shortened.
In the world of demo reels, shorter is always better.
If you've got something brilliant, slick, touching, moving, or funny on your reel, LEAD WITH IT.
Anyone looking to hire you will know if you make the cut in the first 30 seconds of your reel.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good afternoon

This week: YOU MUST
  • have completed all video tasks
  • updated your blogs
  • create a demo reel (choose a script from Mrs.pye and place on your blog)
Next week: Horror Movie

Friday, May 6, 2011

Good Morning

Hi, today we will watch all the music videos and discuss the WHY MEDIA MATTERS
contest video. This will be due TUESDAY for submission to the Gulf Islands Film School.
Please upload your videos to your blog.

Monday, May 2, 2011

POST all videos

It is important to post your videos as you create them. It makes it easier for me when I mark them and then you can show your family and friends the amazing work you have created.
Today, we will watch Lovin' yo mama films mocumentary and give some feedback. Music videos should be completed by FRIDAY for viewing. We will also be working on a short
"Why Media Matters" which will be due TUESDAY May 10th. here is the link to the contest:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reminder, please post!

Good morning, please remember to post your videos to your blog. I am still waiting for the link to
Austrian Oak Productions. Pls send me the link asap.
Music videos are due this week and we will begin the planning stage of the 'WHY MEDIA MATTERS' filom. There has been an online extension and that means we have until the May 11th. Next week we will be planning, filming and editing :)

Here is a music video from my favorite t-v series FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS

Monday, April 25, 2011

Good morning

We have very few weeks left of class and we will go over some timeline features briefly.

In groups (production groups) you will create sculptures out of fun and interesting materials. This is to help with collaboration efforts, and will hopefully help some of you connect. Groups have been going through some challenges and while this is normal, it is nice to come together and discuss while creating a work of art!

This week, your music videos will be on hold. We have an opportunity to create short films (under 3 minutes) for the Gulf Islands Film and Television school. We have entered as a school and posts are due MAY 1st. This does not give us a lot of time. Today is a planning day.

"Why Media Matters"- answer this question.
SHORT: under 3 minute video.

How we will roll:
--Today planning and storyboarding/research and location planning
--WED plan characters, scripts and costuming--FILM--
--THURS: be ready to film as soon as class begins
--Friday DUE date by the end of the day.

-If you have ideas you may film earlier than Tuesday. You will need to be quick with ideas, share ideas without hesitation and just try hard. You never know--you may just win!!!
Here are some links to help you out:

Friday, April 8, 2011


We made it! First week back from spring Break is always hard :)
Please make sure you POST your Videos and comment on each others.
I am still waiting for a production company to post a blog (Austian Oak Productions)

Everyone seems to be progressing nicely on the VIDEOS using the four elements. I am
very interested to see what come out of all of the 'madness' lol.
These are due *next week for screening.
Next up...MAKE-up, acting for film and audition reel. We will also be brainstorming for
a music video.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good afternoon

Hello. I am going to read to you some of the entries in yesterdays free write. You will soon see how interesting this class is.
Today we will write about:
A memorable character
Think about a memorable character from a book, play, film, or tv show. Now craft
a story about the character loing the most valuable thing he or she owns.
-Take a few minutes.

We will also be working on the scripted short. This is meant to be a short film using the 4 elements
I have mentioed these being:
-prop= BANANA
-a waiter or waitress
-a man named John Hartsworth
-Dialogue "I want to try"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome back!!!

Today we will do a free write

A disastrous family picnic
You will have 15 minutes to brainstorm and write a story or short.
One format you may wish to use is:
-scripted: Have the writing describe as if a scene: Talk about the setting, the mood.
-Free write: Have the words simply flow through you--don't worry about grammar or punctuation.
-Write a short story, start with webbing and go!

Why are we doing this?
We are doing this so that we can create an idea bank for short films.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Morning!

Yesterday, we had a visit from Ivan: Center for Arts and Technology.
Today we will look quickly at  The best movie mistakes ever!

We have talked about consistency in film and yesterday Ivan discussed the duties of the script supervisor. The script supervisor makes sure that the film is consistent and that there are not mistakes such as those we have seen in the above link. Have someone in your group perform these tasks to make your films more fluid and believable.

So far we have created:
A Chase scene: in which you learned about camera angles and different perspective shots.
A re-make: in which you learned about 'mimicing' already produced shots and perspectives.
You are now working on a silent film.
A silent film is a good exercise because your FOCUS is on creating 'actions' that speak LOUD.
Your silent film must 'speak' to us and tell us what the story is.

-what is your 'problem?'
-every story MUST have some sort of conflict, rising action and finally a resolution.
-Silent movies are movies that have no spoken dialogue, allowing the actors to communicate via actions and body language, usually supplemented by background music, subtitles, or both.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today I would like to remind you to:
-post your Chase video on your blog
-send your link to my blog (only two groups have done that so far)
-work hard on creating your re-act film
-FILMING TODAY --No exceptions

those finished with the Re-act are working on the silent film.
See assignments tab.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Today you will be working on your 'Chase' Films which are due this week. ALL films must be available to watch on FRIDAY at the latest. Any students/groups finished can begin working on the RE-ACT film. Please send me the link to your blog and post your video on it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good Day

You have been working on idea generation and location for the 'CHASE" scene. Yesterday we watched Geoffrey and Warren and Jeremy's film. Most of you had VERY useful comments and we talked about the importance of using a tripod. Please examine the shots you were to take and find the best way to take them. We chatted about camera angles and changing direction. We all view everything mainly from eye SWITCH it up!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today, you will plan out the scenes for your Chase.
the who, what, where, when and most importantly WHY?
Use your clip boards and think of location (what would be interesting)
Once completed, you will be given a camera.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good Morning

Today, we will dicuss film/camera shots and look at the first assignment. We will watch some presentations and finish creating Production groups, names, logos, pins and a Production site blog.

You will be preparing a 'story' to go along with the required shots for the Chase scene. Remember, it is truly all about the story and then how you create the story through visuals.
Once completed, you will be given a camera (probably Friday or Monday)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Media Production Team Blog

Today, you will create a blog and use the Media Production team logo as your profile pic. You will then use this blog as a way to post your videos and keep your assignments organized.

AFTER you create your pin you will also make a sign in photoshop with your Production Team logo.

REMEMBER to save your logo for future productions. We will also watch some Production Role Presentations.

Media Production Team

VAMT 11/12

Creating your own Media Production Company

Step 1- Form a group, this group will consist of 5-6 students  that will make up your media production team.  Choose your group carefully for they will be your team for the entire semester.

Step 2- Using the webbing process, brainstorm a company name for your production team. Remember *be appropriate.

Step 3- Once you have established a company name for your production team, design a logo that will represent your company.  The logo should be in one colour and in a stylized font with added graphics or symbols.  Your logo MUST contain the name of your media company followed by productions.  Do not make your logo too busy, it should be simple yet eye catching.

Step 4- You are now ready to transfer your logo onto a pin. This pin will be your ticket out (hall pass) when you are taping.  When you come back, put your pin back in its place.

Step 5- Once you have finished creating your pin you need to make a sign with your production name on it. Print it in black and white from the computer and mount it on construction paper and hand it in to Mrs.Pye.

Total mark  /70

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Good Afternoon!

Hi, and welcome to Visual Arts 11/12. Today we will be going over the course curriculum and you will be introduced to some of the equipment associated with this course. I have a film survey for you that I will ask you to fill out. This survey acts as an indicator for me to know what you may be interested in. Please take the time to fill it out!