

VAMT 11/12

Creating your own Media Production Company

Step 1- Form a group, this group will consist of 5-6 students  that will make up your media production team.  Choose your group carefully for they will be your team for the entire semester.

Step 2- Using the webbing process, brainstorm a company name for your production team. Remember *be appropriate.

Step 3- Once you have established a company name for your production team, design a logo that will represent your company.  The logo should be in one colour and in a stylized font with added graphics or symbols.  Your logo MUST contain the name of your media company followed by productions.  Do not make your logo too busy, it should be simple yet eye catching.

Step 4- You are now ready to transfer your logo onto a pin. This pin will be your ticket out (hall pass) when you are taping.  When you come back, put your pin back in its place.

Step 5- Once you have finished creating your pin you need to make a sign with your production name on it. Print it in black and white from the computer and mount it on construction paper and hand it in to Mrs.Pye.

Total mark  /70
Group Members: Names

  • The chase is a common element in action and suspense movies. The purpose is to grab the attention of the view, both psychologically and emotionally.
  • The following chase consists of various shots, angles and techniques that must be assembled into one minute video. There is no spoken dialogue. Find appropriate music and create the sound track for the piece.
  • Use a tripod for all shots except those specified. Diagram each shot on a story board. Decide on your shooting schedule. Write out a plan and attach it to your story board. Make sure you indicate who is doing what jobs. Remember that you will be able to edit the shots into the correct sequence and add the music tracks.
  • In the movie, a jogger is out for a leisure jog. He/she is followed by an unseen stalker. Tension mounts as the jogger becomes aware that he/she is being watched. He/she stops jogging and looks around. We can sense the fear as he/she begins to run again. Finally, our jogger finds him/herself in a safe place…or so he/she thinks!
  • The last shot is up to you. Does the jogger meet his/her doom at the hands of a crazed killer… is he/she confronted by an overzealous girl guide selling cookies… is he/she presented with a giant cheque by the sweepstakes prize patrol?? It’s up to you!

Storyboard outline:

Frame 1   Title graphic  “THE CHASE by . . . . .”
Frame 2   ELS               A path in a city park . . . people riding bikes, walking.
Frame 3   MS               A jogger enters the shot and trots along the path straight toward the camera.
Frame 4   WS               The jogger runs across the screen (right to left)
Frame 5   MS POV (shaky handheld)    The jogger is seen through tree limbs and bushes. The jogger glances toward the camera
Frame 6   MS               The jogger slows to a stop and strains to look toward the bushes.
Frame 7   WS               Jogger is seen through the trees and bushes. The camera is steady, the stalker is apparently gone. The jogger turns startled and runs away.
Frame 8   CU           Jogger’s feet pounding the path.
Frame 9   ECU              Jogger’s fearful eyes and sweaty face
Frame 10 WS          Jogger runs off path into the woods.
Frame 11  MS POV (shaky handheld)    Camera follows jogger through the woods.
Frame 12   WS             Jogger exits woods onto a neighborhood street.
Frame 13   CU              Jogger’s frightened face looks around confused.
Frame 14   MS         Jogger runs to door of a house
Frame 15   ECU             Jogger turns door knob and enters house.
Frame 16   MS              Jogger relaxes with face against door.
Frame 17   CU              Jogger turns quickly, looks into the lens and screams into fear.
Frame 18   MS              Shot of stalker, in house waiting. You decide who it is and what happens in this frame to end the story.
Complete the story by adding two more frames of your choice.  Write them on the back of this sheet.
Due Date  _______________________
Frame 19   ____

Frame 20  ____

New Story Line
Beginning/Middle/End  (think of a twist for the ending) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Props  _________________________________________

Project evaluation:

Name      ___________________                                                    _______________________
                ____________________                                                 _______________________

q  Frame 1:  Title Graphic
q  Frame 11:  MS POV  Camera follows through woods
q  Frame 2:  ELS  of location
q  Frame 12:  WS  Exits path and into another location
q  Frame 3:  MS  Moving straight towards camera
q  Frame 13:  CU  Frightened/confused face
q  Frame 4:  WS  Runs across screen
q  Frame 14:  MS  Runs to door
q  Frame 5:  MS POV  Glances at camera
q  Frame 15:  ECU  Turning door knob
q  Frame 6:  MS  Looks toward bushed
q  Frame 16:  MS  Relaxed with face against door
q  Frame 7:  WS  Looks through bushes – startled and runs away
q  Frame 17:  CU  Turns quickly, looks into lens and screams in fear
q  Frame 8:  CU  Pounding feet
q  Frame 18:  MS  Shot of stalker waiting
q  Frame 9:  ECU  Fearful eyes and sweaty face
q  Frame 19: 
q  Frame 10:  WS  Runs off path
q  Frame 20: 



Silent FilmVideo Project
In the early days of film, before movies had sound and color, people would sit in the darkness of the movie show and watch flickering black-and-white stories about a little tramp with a funny hat and moustache. Charlie Chaplin is probably the first name that comes to mind when someone says the words "silent movies."
Of course, there were plenty of other films made in the years between 1910 and 1930. Many a hero foiled many a villain; many a cop chased many a robber. You might want to try your hand at shooting an old-fashioned silent movie, too.
  • Watch a few old movies, if you can. You'll notice that the actors and actresses use very dramatic facial expressions. They speak with the eyes, not their lips. They also use grand, dramatic gestures that help to get their point across.
  • Props and costumes are important. Find them before you begin taping.
  • Find background music.
  • Write a Script
  • Develop a Storyboard
  • Decide upon or prepare a location. Plan for lighting and sound.
  • Shoot the video
  • Capture the video
  • Assemble the video clips.
  • Create your text for storyline.
  • Apply black and white filter. Add flickering-grainy look.
  • Create a movie for your BLOG 
Additional Criteria
  • Finished length: 2 - 4 minutes
  • The viewer understands what is being presented
  • Pacing is quick. No extra material.
  • Transitions placed on clips where needed
Have some fun with this. This should be a group project. Divide responsibilities. Get a cheesy story. Over act!!!

Music Video Assignment

Music video assignment is a fun project. It is extremely important that you begin now and work to keep ahead of the deadlines.
  • Step One: select a song that has a great beat and a lot of people know the words to. It is important that you begin seeing shots in your mind as you listen to the music. This will help you tell a story or pick shots to help the music video along.
  •  Step Two: You will need an MP3 player (iPod) and load the song on to it. Play the music back over a speaker so you can hear the music.
  • Step Three: Edit the cool video you shot to the song. Pretty cool. The final video is dues december 10-13. Please note, these deadlines are different that posted on your sheet. Or at least one class handout.
Grading rubric: soText Colorng must be three to six minutes longs. No unacceptable words may be used. Use radio edits. No illegal acts in your video. Must be 50% lip syncing. As we said in class, you are the producer. Hire the best actors, camera operators, helpers you can. You are also the editor. You may work in groups, but each of you must produce a separate video. You do not have to be in the video, only produce and edit it.
Here are some student examples:
Horror Movie
In your production groups come up with a common theme for your horror movie.
The film should be no longer than 10 minutes (but must keep the attention of the viewer)
The film should contain the following:
-a story: beginning / middle/ end
-a conflict
-sound and lighting to create mood.
-script detailed with setting/location

Your film should stir up an emotion for the viewer:

Use lighting and sound to add to the mystery and to reveal. Please stay away from blood and guts and major violence. We want to show these creations to a large audience. Please make the film appropriate and spend time to develop a rich story.

q  Camera work (Angles/steady shots)
q  Editing (Transitions/Effects)
q  Lighting
q  Appeal of Product
q  Strength of Persuasion
q  Music choice
q  Entertainment Value/Level of Difficulty
q  Pre-production

Due Date  _________________                

Topic  ____________________

Group Members  

____________________                  ____________________

Script Outline: Beginning/Middle/End

Shot List
How, specifically, do you propose to make this entertaining?  (Interesting camera angles, lighting, script, acting)  Minimum ten shots

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