Monday, February 21, 2011


Today you will be working on your 'Chase' Films which are due this week. ALL films must be available to watch on FRIDAY at the latest. Any students/groups finished can begin working on the RE-ACT film. Please send me the link to your blog and post your video on it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good Day

You have been working on idea generation and location for the 'CHASE" scene. Yesterday we watched Geoffrey and Warren and Jeremy's film. Most of you had VERY useful comments and we talked about the importance of using a tripod. Please examine the shots you were to take and find the best way to take them. We chatted about camera angles and changing direction. We all view everything mainly from eye SWITCH it up!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today, you will plan out the scenes for your Chase.
the who, what, where, when and most importantly WHY?
Use your clip boards and think of location (what would be interesting)
Once completed, you will be given a camera.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good Morning

Today, we will dicuss film/camera shots and look at the first assignment. We will watch some presentations and finish creating Production groups, names, logos, pins and a Production site blog.

You will be preparing a 'story' to go along with the required shots for the Chase scene. Remember, it is truly all about the story and then how you create the story through visuals.
Once completed, you will be given a camera (probably Friday or Monday)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Media Production Team Blog

Today, you will create a blog and use the Media Production team logo as your profile pic. You will then use this blog as a way to post your videos and keep your assignments organized.

AFTER you create your pin you will also make a sign in photoshop with your Production Team logo.

REMEMBER to save your logo for future productions. We will also watch some Production Role Presentations.

Media Production Team

VAMT 11/12

Creating your own Media Production Company

Step 1- Form a group, this group will consist of 5-6 students  that will make up your media production team.  Choose your group carefully for they will be your team for the entire semester.

Step 2- Using the webbing process, brainstorm a company name for your production team. Remember *be appropriate.

Step 3- Once you have established a company name for your production team, design a logo that will represent your company.  The logo should be in one colour and in a stylized font with added graphics or symbols.  Your logo MUST contain the name of your media company followed by productions.  Do not make your logo too busy, it should be simple yet eye catching.

Step 4- You are now ready to transfer your logo onto a pin. This pin will be your ticket out (hall pass) when you are taping.  When you come back, put your pin back in its place.

Step 5- Once you have finished creating your pin you need to make a sign with your production name on it. Print it in black and white from the computer and mount it on construction paper and hand it in to Mrs.Pye.

Total mark  /70

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Good Afternoon!

Hi, and welcome to Visual Arts 11/12. Today we will be going over the course curriculum and you will be introduced to some of the equipment associated with this course. I have a film survey for you that I will ask you to fill out. This survey acts as an indicator for me to know what you may be interested in. Please take the time to fill it out!