Green Screen

Green Screen Assignment
Adobe Premiere
Your Task: 
Create a movie using Pinacle Studio that showcases your skills using this program.  You and your production team will be the STARS of this movie – you have many topic options!  Be creative, have fun, try to go above and beyond the requirements listed below.  Use the help feature to find out new and creative ways of doing things!

Ideas for your Project 
* An audition movie for a reality TV show -  Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race, etc.
* An introduction to “yourself” that includes at least “seven” of your favorites.
* Newscast – Weather, News, or Sports
* Digital Storytelling – tell us your favorite childhood story in your own words or make a historical event come aliveJ
* Digital Nursery Rhymes – recite 3 or more of your favorite nursery rhymes

 Steps (both in and out of class) 
  1. Choose and research your topic (keep track of your sources)
  2. Plan and write your script
  3. Gather assets:  use the Internet, use your own digital pictures, scan images, find appropriate music!
  4. Record/videotape your segment – do this during class or before/after school – must use the “greenscreen for this to work correctly –
  5. Capture your video – get from camera to computer
  6. Edit your movie
  7. Create final movie file and hand in for a grade!
  • Student must write an original script and appear in the movie.
  • Must utilize the “chroma keyscreen effect.
  • Must use titles/captions to enhance the audio.
  • Must include background music – make sure music does not overpower the audio voice from your clips.
  • Use effective transitions