Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reminder, please post!

Good morning, please remember to post your videos to your blog. I am still waiting for the link to
Austrian Oak Productions. Pls send me the link asap.
Music videos are due this week and we will begin the planning stage of the 'WHY MEDIA MATTERS' filom. There has been an online extension and that means we have until the May 11th. Next week we will be planning, filming and editing :)

Here is a music video from my favorite t-v series FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS

Monday, April 25, 2011

Good morning

We have very few weeks left of class and we will go over some timeline features briefly.

In groups (production groups) you will create sculptures out of fun and interesting materials. This is to help with collaboration efforts, and will hopefully help some of you connect. Groups have been going through some challenges and while this is normal, it is nice to come together and discuss while creating a work of art!

This week, your music videos will be on hold. We have an opportunity to create short films (under 3 minutes) for the Gulf Islands Film and Television school. We have entered as a school and posts are due MAY 1st. This does not give us a lot of time. Today is a planning day.

"Why Media Matters"- answer this question.
SHORT: under 3 minute video.

How we will roll:
--Today planning and storyboarding/research and location planning
--WED plan characters, scripts and costuming--FILM--
--THURS: be ready to film as soon as class begins
--Friday DUE date by the end of the day.

-If you have ideas you may film earlier than Tuesday. You will need to be quick with ideas, share ideas without hesitation and just try hard. You never know--you may just win!!!
Here are some links to help you out:

Friday, April 8, 2011


We made it! First week back from spring Break is always hard :)
Please make sure you POST your Videos and comment on each others.
I am still waiting for a production company to post a blog (Austian Oak Productions)

Everyone seems to be progressing nicely on the VIDEOS using the four elements. I am
very interested to see what come out of all of the 'madness' lol.
These are due *next week for screening.
Next up...MAKE-up, acting for film and audition reel. We will also be brainstorming for
a music video.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good afternoon

Hello. I am going to read to you some of the entries in yesterdays free write. You will soon see how interesting this class is.
Today we will write about:
A memorable character
Think about a memorable character from a book, play, film, or tv show. Now craft
a story about the character loing the most valuable thing he or she owns.
-Take a few minutes.

We will also be working on the scripted short. This is meant to be a short film using the 4 elements
I have mentioed these being:
-prop= BANANA
-a waiter or waitress
-a man named John Hartsworth
-Dialogue "I want to try"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome back!!!

Today we will do a free write

A disastrous family picnic
You will have 15 minutes to brainstorm and write a story or short.
One format you may wish to use is:
-scripted: Have the writing describe as if a scene: Talk about the setting, the mood.
-Free write: Have the words simply flow through you--don't worry about grammar or punctuation.
-Write a short story, start with webbing and go!

Why are we doing this?
We are doing this so that we can create an idea bank for short films.