Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Morning!

Yesterday, we had a visit from Ivan: Center for Arts and Technology.
Today we will look quickly at  The best movie mistakes ever!

We have talked about consistency in film and yesterday Ivan discussed the duties of the script supervisor. The script supervisor makes sure that the film is consistent and that there are not mistakes such as those we have seen in the above link. Have someone in your group perform these tasks to make your films more fluid and believable.

So far we have created:
A Chase scene: in which you learned about camera angles and different perspective shots.
A re-make: in which you learned about 'mimicing' already produced shots and perspectives.
You are now working on a silent film.
A silent film is a good exercise because your FOCUS is on creating 'actions' that speak LOUD.
Your silent film must 'speak' to us and tell us what the story is.

-what is your 'problem?'
-every story MUST have some sort of conflict, rising action and finally a resolution.
-Silent movies are movies that have no spoken dialogue, allowing the actors to communicate via actions and body language, usually supplemented by background music, subtitles, or both.

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